2023 Tech Handouts
#1 Update on Current Treatment of Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) | Donald Hubbard II, MD
#2 Full Review of Neuro in a Comprehensive Clinic: Pupils, Color Vision, Confrontational Fields, and Indications for each Test | Ogul Uner, MD
#3 Advanced Manifest Refraction Techniques | Duanna VanCamp, COT, OSC
#4 Scleral Lenses: A Solution for Challenging Ocular Conditions | Christina Belter, OD
#5 Genetic Treatment of Eye Disease and Updates on Gene Therapy | Justin Grassmeyer, MD, PhD
#6 OCT Retinal Imaging Review | Radwa Elsharawi, MD
#7 2023 Coding Updates & Tips for the Extraordinary Technician | Joy Woodke, COE, OCS, OCSR
#8 OCT-A Technology and the Growing Importance of Diagnosing and Managing Eye Disease | Beth Snodgrass, CRA
#9 Macular Telangiectasia and Studies | David B. Davis II, MD, FACS, ABES
#10 Ophthalmic Medical Missions | J. Kevin McKinney, MD, MPH
#11 Triage Emergencies | Christopher Rosenberg, MD
#12 FUNdamentals of Fluorescein Angiography | Denice Barsness, CRA, COMT, ROUB, FOPS, CDOS
#12 Barsness – Supporting Documents
- 2019_Article_FAReactionReview.pdf
- Article_FluoresceinAngiography.pdf
- Fluorescein_Breastfeeding_2021.pdf
- Fluorescein_BreastMilk.pdf