More than 70% of ophthalmologists in Oregon belong to the Oregon Academy of Ophthalmology.
Membership offers tangible benefits.
- Education: Sponsoring continuing medical education and annual scientific meetings, which also offer sessions for ophthalmic technicians and office staff.
- Legislative Representation: Representing Oregon ophthalmologists in state government affairs.
- Managed Care Representation: Working with third party payors on reimbursement.
- Coding Questions: Answering your billing questions quickly and efficiently.
- News Briefs: Providing state-specific information of use to ophthalmologists, through the OAO’s quarterly newsletter.
- OAO Website: Educating the public of the benefits of ophthalmic care and assisting them in locating an ophthalmologist.
- OAO Membership Directory: Providing a handy reference source to our members.
- Audio/Visual Library: Providing slide shows and videos for use in making presentations to the public, primary care physicians, and allied health personnel.
- Speaker’s Bureau: Offering valuable public information and public visibility for ophthalmologists through appearances at senior centers, health fairs, and other public events.
- Resident/Fellow Program: Opportunities for practicing ophthalmologists, residents and fellows to meet and get to know each other.