Solar Eclipse Safe Viewing
If you’re among the millions of people expecting to view the next eclipse, make sure you purchase solar eclipse filters and glasses from reputable manufacturers. There have been reports that some companies are selling counterfeit products labeled as if they conform to international safety standards.
In response, the American Astronomical Society (AAS) says it is no longer sufficient to look for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) logo on eclipse glasses and filters. The AAS has a list of companies whose products are known to conform to ISO standards, as vetted by the AAS.
“If we don’t list a supplier, that doesn’t mean their products are unsafe,” says AAS press officer and task-force representative Rick Fienberg. “It just means that we have no knowledge of them or that we haven’t convinced ourselves they’re safe.” Click here to see AAO’s safe solar eclipse viewing infographic.
How can you tell if your solar viewer is safe?
You shouldn’t be able to see anything through a safe solar filter except the sun or something comparably bright, such as the sun reflected in a mirror. If you can see lights of more ordinary brightness through your eclipse glasses or handheld viewer, and you’re not sure the product came from a reputable vendor, it’s no good, Feinberg said.
The AAS advises the public to not search for eclipse glasses on the internet and buy whatever pops up in the ads or search results. Check the AAS list of reputable vendors and buy from one of them.
2023 Annular Eclipse
On October 14, 2023, the moon will pass between the Earth and the sun, creating a shadow on many parts of the planet’s surface. Unlike a total solar eclipse, this celestial event will only partially cover the sun, creating a ring of fire around the moon at certain locations. This is why it’s called an annular eclipse.
The Best Locations to See the 2023 Annular Eclipse
The annular eclipse will be visible from many parts of the planet, but the complete ring of fire will only occur along a relatively narrow path of locations in South, Central and North America. The maximum eclipse will occur in the following U.S. cities:
- Eugene, Oregon
- Winnemucca, Nevada
- Beaver, Utah
- Albuquerque, New Mexico
- San Antonio, Texas
Many other cities in the United States and other countries will experience a partial annular eclipse. As much as 50% coverage can be seen by up to 1,000 miles away from the path of annularity. Click here for an interactive map.