2019 Ophthalmic Medical Technology Meeting
Thank you for registering for the 2019 Ophthalmic Medical Technology Meeting. Below you will find links to black/white and color handouts provided by our speakers in the order presented on the agenda. The 2019 Coding Updates handout will be printed and included in your packet. If you would like any other handouts on the day of the conference – please print and bring with you. Thank you!
#1 Ophthalmic Minor Procedures | Sarah Glass, MD
#2 2019 Coding Updates | Joy Woodke, COE, OCS, OCSR, Oregon Eye Consultants
This handout will be printed and included in your packet.
#3 Retinal Biomarkers to Identify Alzheimer’s with Current Ophthalmic Imaging | Joel Kaluzny, MD
#4 Why am I so Blue? | Joseph Simonett, MD
#5 Vision 20/20 a Public Worldwide Health Initiative | Miles Greenwald, MD
#6 Advances on Retinal Gene Therapy | Ian Danford, MD
#7 Eye Injuries and What to Do | Nathan Lambert, MD
#8 Photography with Ultrawide Imaging | Connie McKeehen, Carl Zeiss Meditec
#9 Glaucoma Under Pressure | Nathan Law, MD
#10 Double the Fun in Double Vision Exams | Caitlin Kakigi, MD
#11 Ocular Melanoma | Michal Gutowski
#12 Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology | Kishan Gupta, MD, PhD
#13 Formula to Success: The Influence of Cataract Outcomes Based on Biometry & Calculations | Kellyn Smith, MD